Prolific, devastating diseases are often diagnosed incorrectly at the first point of contact with the healthcare system. This wastes massive resources, costs people their lives and perpetuates transmission.
AI Diagnostics is changing the status quo with their affordable, simple-to-use AI-powered digital stethoscope that enables early detection of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases with far greater accuracy.
With the technology fully developed, AI Diagnostics needed a slick, professional, brand and user experience across all touch points for their Tuberculosis screening product. Instilling trust would be critical to the success of their launch.
We jumped on board to assist with their website, nurses’ app and packaging design, ensuring they would make an impact, communicate their value clearly and make their users feel empowered by their technology.
The website needed to speak to commercial decision makers across various sectors, from Public and Private Health to Mining and NGOs.
We used a minimalist, medically-orientated style to let strong, punchy statements lead the way. The site highlights the scale of the problem, the commercial and social value of the solution, and the ease-of-use of the product.
The companion local app integrates with the digital stethoscope, and guides a nurse through a patient screening.
Our primary design goal was to make it completely intuitive for a nurse to navigate the app, while managing a potentially-emotional or ill patient.
It also needed to make the nurse feel confident with the technology, clearly knowing what needs to happen next.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of receiving and unboxing a new device.
The packaging needed to make a great first impression on the healthcare user, give clear instructions on how to get going, and create excitement for the journey ahead.